Elvi Loose Shirt
Elvi Loose Shirt
When you place an order
under 'pre-order', for shipment pending at a later date, your item is specially made to order with our manufacturers by our design team. Thus, once you have placed your pre-order we cannot cancel or refund for 'change of mind' or 'wrong decision' as your garment is under manufacture. In align with our general returns policy, if you wish to cancel your pre-order purchase, Kuppa will offer a Store Credit Note valid for 12 months.
The Elvi Loose Shirt is crafted from lightweight fabric for a comfortable fit. Featuring a relaxed silhouette and subtle all-over pattern, this shirt is perfect for day-to-day wear. The breathable material makes it ideal for warm weather days.
All fabric has been chosen with a pragmatic approach considering the designs and fall of the attire
Return Policy
Return Policy
Kindly refer to Kuppa Return Policy
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Wash with minimal water and light detergent only. Do not use bleach.
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Size Chart
Before committing to any purchase online, we recommend viewing Kuppa’s detailed size chart.We suggest to contact Kuppa’s Customer Care Team for assistance.